Monday, January 12, 2009

God's Ice Creation

We've recently had some ice accumulations. It's like a crystal-wonderland in our back yard. Thought this was pretty!


McKenna lu-lu-luvs to feed herself! You'll see her below, munching on a biter biscuit, but her favorite is Cheerios! She becomes quite testy when food does not appear on her tray. Would someone please feed this women!!! (Mom is ready for her to explore more foods...and whole milk...soon...lets just say...Kenna is quite the biter...OUCH...if you know what I mean)!

Bed Buddies!

Kenna Rae doesn't have a bed buddy!
She's totally o.k. with not sharing her personal space! I went in to get the boys...and this is how I found them.
All snuggly warm...curled up in the same bed!

If you'll take notice, one is in his pj's,
and one is not.
Ben is thrilled by the fact that he can
independently remove his pj's.
We frequently find him in this form
...thankfully he still has his diaper on
...oh the thought of what's to come!

Jacob is happy to have his personal space back!
Ben is not so happy.
We've recently moved Ben out of Jake's room
and given him his own space.
Ben and Jake enjoyed sharing a room,
but would stay up to the wee hours of 10-11pm
talking, shouting, singing, throwing objects, etc...
too late for mom and dad...we're in dire
need of sleep.
Perhaps the two boys shall share a room some time
in the never knows!

Snow Time

Ben is liking the snow a little betterr this year!
Not as many tears!Snow Buddies!

Our first snowman! The snow wasn't
the greatest packing snow...but we
managed a fairly fine snow-friend!

My First Trip to the Denist

Cool Shady Jakey O'!
Jake is 3 1/2 here...sportin' his eye protectors!
Open wide...20 pretty baby teeth inside!

Rinse and spit brother!
Jake did awesome on his first trip to the denist!
No cavities!!! Yippee!!

Santa's Little Helpers

Santa's Smallest Helper! Santa's Sillest Helper!

Santa's Serious Helper!