Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring weather....here we come!!!

After many days of being confined to the house,
due to cold weather and fierce winds,
we've finally made it to the backyard!!!
Jake is getting too good at climbing! McKenna seems to have lost her ball!
Meet: "Super Jake to the Rescue!"
Super Jake saves us from monsters and bad guys with his Super Sword.
He also apparently flies aircraft carriers!

Hey, Kenna found her ball! Look how happy she is now!
Super Jake and Super Ben...
pilot and co-pilot on our aircraft carrier!

Best Friends...I love these guys!

Bean is taking the aircraft carrier high into the clounds...
"To infinity and beyond!"

I'm bored...they never let me fly!

Secretly plotting their next adventure!...
Till next time!

Yummy Cantalope!

Kenna's first taste of some yummy melon! Workin' on it...maybe not so sure!
That was cool! A little cold, a little slimy!

Oh the FACES she can make!

So big!!!
(check out the drool spot on the couch)
WAIT! I've got something to say!

Allow me to ponder my thoughts once more.

That's all I have to say!


My sister, Kristin, got engaged on Feb. 14th! Kris and her fiance`Dan....cuties!

Catching up on the Local News!

Jacob was succussfully potty trained in January!!!! I suppose his BM's will take just as long as his dad's....now that he's takin' to reading the Sunday paper!

Random moments of fun!

McKenna- thinks she can eat the springy-thingy in the wall.

(My attempt at a Steelers football cake)...we shall try.

Kenna Rae enjoying her piggy toes!

Ben, happily enjoying his homemade lunch.

Ben, not so happy when Jake turns into the "Hotdog Thief"!

Kenna Rae: belly-time 101...preparing for army crawl 101.

Felix Trio at work again...notice the hair-pulling attempt in action.

Kenna Rae: catchin' a free ride!